12 Content Writing Examples to Learn From Top Brands in 2023

If you are searching for content writing examples to get inspiration and ideas from, you’re at the right place.

From blog content writing to social media content examples, this guide will show you 12 real examples of content writing and why they work.

So, if you’re running a business or working for a client, consider these content types and examples:

  • Improve your online presence
  • Drive qualified traffic to your site
  • Bring conversions (sign-ups, product demos, leads)

Let’s get started.

12 Successful Content Writing Examples to Learn From

1. Bewakoof’s eCommerce Content

About Bewakoof: Bewakoof is an eCommerce store based in India selling fashion accessories for men and women.


Bewakoof’s product and category pages are examples of how eCommerce brands should leverage content writing to drive traffic and conversions.

From an SEO standpoint, adding relevant content covering common FAQs helps Google to understand what the page is about.

Bewakoof uses relevant content at the bottom of collection pages to ensure a better user experience.

Here’s a screenshot:

eCommerce Content

Action items:

  • If you’re running an eCommerce business, consider adding enough content on collection and product pages
  • Answer common product-related FAQs to increase conversions
  • Use internal links with descriptive link text
  • Hire an experienced content writing agency like Apna Writer to get content for your eCommerce store

2. Zomato’s Social Media Content

About Zomato: Zomato is an online food delivery company operating in India. Zomato is known for its social media and email content created for younger audiences.


Zomato has 1.5M followers on Twitter and 1M on LinkedIn. Their social media content often goes viral among young stars. This shows how well the brand understands its audience and what makes a post viral on social media.

Take the below LinkedIn post for example:

Zomato's social media content

Another example where Zomato is leveraging the startup trend in India:

Content Example from Zomato

If you closely look at their content writing strategy for online platforms, you’ll find various types of content, such as:

  • Aligning current trends with food delivery/ordering
  • Memes
  • Inspirational and motivational posts (such as Women’s Day special, etc.)

Their content strategy is not only limited to social media. In fact, the email newsletter also focuses on entertainment-type content.

An example:

email newsletter content

Action items:

  • Instead of directly promoting your product, try to build an audience by creating either informational or entertaining content
  • Use moment marketing to get attention from the audience

3. Holidify’s SEO Content Writing

About Holidify: Holidify is one of India’s largest travel platforms, guiding tourists to plan their next destination.

Description: Holidify’s biggest growth lever is SEO content, which helps them drive more than 12M organic visits per month (according to Ahrefs).

Holidify's SEO Content

One of the reasons for their SEO success is creating content at scale. Their SEO and content writing teams have strategically created content hubs for each location (city, state, etc.)

For each popular location in India, Holidify has created a content hub that includes pages like:

  • Places to visit [location name]
  • Best time to visit [location name]
  • [location name] tour packages
  • Best hotels in [location name]
  • Foods of [location name]
  • How to reach [location name], and more

Here’s an example:

Holidify's Location Pages

This helps to build a topical authority around specific locations and rank higher in search engines.

Action items:

  • Hire an SEO and content writing team to plan your content strategy
  • Plan content hubs around your website niche
  • Write quality content targeting relevant keywords
  • Scale content creation to speed up your SEO results

4. Smallcase’s Brilliant Newsletter Content Strategy

About Smallcase: Smallcase is an investment product built for investors. It allows investing in a basket of stocks around a specific theme or idea.

Description: While most brands focus on driving traffic to their website via paid ads and organic marketing, Smallcase focuses on building an audience over a newsletter.

Their email newsletter strategy is about sharing useful information, making their product a part of the information, and promoting their other content resources (blog, YouTube videos, etc.)

Here are some examples:

Smallcase Email Content

Here’s an example where Smallcase turned a newsletter topic into a scope to integrate their product (a basket of stocks around an Indian middle-class family):

Email newsletter

Action items

  • Building a newsletter audience helps you get control over your people
  • Newsletter content strategy should be focused more on useful information rather than direct product promotions
  • Write product-led content that turns your product/service into a part of the content – which makes users trust the brand

5. Zerodha’s Blog Content Academy

About Zerodha: Zerodha is India’s stockbroker, with over six billion active customers.

Description: Zerodha’s Varsity is one of the most popular academies for beginner investors. This helped the brand educate its audience and get new customers for its platform.

Varsity is a text-based academy that has multiple modules, such as:

  • Introduction to the stock market
  • Technical and fundamental analysis, etc.

Varsity's Blog Content

One of the reasons behind their content academy’s success is the expertise of the content creators. In the niches like finance, health, content accuracy, and expertise play an important role in winning at SEO and getting customers.

Action items:

  • If your niche/product needs awareness or lacks knowledge about the product benefits, consider building a free content academy
  • Hire blog content writers who are experts in their subject and have experience in writing factually correct content

6. Wynter’s Landing Page Copywriting

About Wynter: Wynter is a B2B message testing platform.

Description: When it comes to a conversion-optimized landing page, Wynter’s product pages are great examples of product page copywriting.

Here are 5 key lessons from Wynter’s landing page copy:

1/ Show, don’t just tell

One of the mistakes most brands make on their landing page is adding stock images and not showing the actual product dashboard.

Wynter’s landing page focuses on not just telling the product’s benefits/features but also helping visitors visualize it.

Here’s an example:

Wynter's Website Copy

2/ Add social proof

A landing page without testimonials or customer stories fails to win visitors’ trust. The better approach is to add a lot of social proof (testimonials, customer stories, case studies, reviews, etc.).

An example from Wynter:

Wynter's Landing Copywriting

3/ Optimizing above-the-fold

The above-the-fold section of your landing page copy has to persuade users to take specific actions such as a ‘contact button,’ ‘click on a link,’ ‘create a demo account,’ etc.

Try to differentiate your brand and propose the value proposition of your product like Wynter:

Above the fold content

4/ Write benefits-driven headings

Another way to optimize your landing page copy for conversions is by adding benefits-focused headlines instead of features-focused or generic ones.

An example from Wynter:

Product Features content

5/ Show them how

One key goal of a landing page is to answer users’ questions by explaining how the product works.

Here’s an example where Wynter writes about the steps required to start a messaging test:

Step by step guide

7. Siege Media’s Case Study Writing

About Siegemedia: Siege Media is a content marketing agency based in the US.

Description: Case study writing helps brands (especially B2B) where multiple audience profiles are involved in buying decisions.

In fact, every case study writing follows a specific structure which includes:

  • A brief description of the company
  • Key results of the project
  • Project challenges
  • Growth summary and work examples

Here’s an example:

Siege Media Case Study Writing

Action items:

  • Invest in creating case studies to build credibility and drive leads
  • Include key elements in your case study as (mentioned above)

8. Good HouseKeeping’s Product Review

About: It is a product review site that covers topics from fashion to product reviews.

Description: Writing product reviews is different from writing informational blog articles. GHK is a good example of an affiliate and product-review site.

First, they have published dozens of product reviews on a single niche (like home products, mattresses, cooking tools, etc.)

Good House Keeping's Product Review Content

This helps build topical authority and rank for long-tail keywords related to reviews.

Here’s how they structure their product details (pros-cons, price, product specifications):

Product Review Content Structure

Also, their product review article guides users in choosing the right product. For example, GHK’s article on ‘best outdoor furnitures’ covers topics like:

  • “How we choose the best outdoor furniture”
  • “What to look for when shopping for the best outdoor furniture”

Action items:

9. HubSpot eBook Writing

About HubSpot: HubSpot is a leading online CRM platform with tools and software for marketing use cases.

Description: One of the pillars of HubSpot’s inbound strategy is its collection of eBooks. HubSpot makes these eBooks gated to acquire leads for their software.

Hubspot's eBook Content

HubSpot’s eBooks are generally 7k to 10k words of PDF guide. An example:

eBook Content Example

What makes their eBook a high-converting inbound strategy is highlighting their product benefits and features inside the eBook.

This moves users from one awareness stage to the consideration or buying stage of marketing.

Action items:

  • Find topics your audience cares about
  • Prepare the eBook outline, format, and design styles
  • Hire eBook writers to create the content and make it visually appealing
  • Add your product’s features or links to CTA

10. SHRM’s White Paper Content

About SHRM: SHRM is one of the most reputed HR and recruitment blogs globally.

Description: SHRM has published 40+ whitepapers behind download forms on their websites.

This allows SHRM to drive qualified people as only interested users will share their business information to download these whitepapers.

White Paper Content

If you look at the download form, it is more than just the name and email address. It includes other business-related information such as:

  • Job Function
  • Title
  • Size of Company
  • Country

White Paper

Key elements of SHRM’s whitepaper guide are:

  • Introduction
  • Executive summary

A screenshot from SHRM’s whitepaper:

SHRM's White Paper

  • Problem statement
  • Technical details about the topic (with charts, graphs, visuals, etc.)
  • Pitching the product/service at the end (by showing benefits)

Action items:

  • Pick topics where you want to position your brand as an authority
  • Prepare the whitepaper outline
  • Take help from skilled whitepaper writers to create the content
  • Promote it on your website as gated (to generate leads)

11. Amul’s Social Media Content

About Amul: Amul is a dairy product company based in India.

Description: Amul’s social media posts are full of creativity and humor. If you check out their social media post archive, you’ll find that most of their content is based on trending topics.

For example, when an Indian song won an Oscar award, Amul’s content team created a post on the topic.


It got over 3,700 reactions on LinkedIn and almost 40k reactions on Facebook.

Amul's Social Media Content

Amul’s one-liner social media posts show how brands can use humor and timeliness in their content to build awareness.

Action items:

  • Writing posts on current events may lead to higher engagement on social media content
  • Maintain a brand style (writing tone, font, color scheme, logo, etc.) across your social media content to build recognition with your audience

12. Jim Kwik (YT video description)

About Jim Kwik: Jim Kwik is a famous YouTuber (with almost 1M subscribers) who produces video content on various topics such as study, speed reading, productivity, etc.

Description: His YouTube video descriptions are a great example of how brands should use storytelling in their description to engage viewers and get desired results (downloads, product demos, etc.)

Here’s a breakdown of this YouTube description:

If you want to write an effective video description that improves engagement, follow Jim Kwik’s format:

  • Hook
  • Video timestamps to improve user experience
  • Problem statement
  • Solution
  • CTAs

Action items:

  • Instead of selling your products in the description, use storytelling and focus on the problem your product/service is solving
  • Introduce your brand in the description. This way, first-time viewers will also get to know about your offerings
  • Always add CTAs at the end of the description

Jim Kwik's YouTube Description

Need help writing YouTube video scripts or descriptions? Contact our content experts.

Content Writing Types That You Should Invest In

Content writing is not only about writing blog articles on your website. Choosing the right content types depends on your business’s audience profile, niche, and goal.

Below are the most common content types that you may consider investing in:

Content Writing Tools To Improve Your Content Quality

Here are some of the tools that will improve content research, editing, and optimizing it for traffic and conversions:

Content writing tool name Use case
Grammarly Check for grammatical and spelling errors in your content
Hemingway editor Improve your content readability score with actionable suggestions
Surfer SEO Optimize your article for semantically related keywords and other on-page SEO factors
Answer The Public Research questions people are asking about your content topic
Portent’s Content Idea Generator Get dozens of unique content ideas from a single topic
Google Docs manage, track, and collaborate with your team members to create content
RankMath Improve your webpage’s on-page SEO score
Google Trends Find trending topics around a specific topic
Copyscape Check plagiarism issues in your content
Ahrefs/ Semrush Research keywords, identify related topics and questions to cover in your blog article

Final Words

We hope these handpicked content writing examples across various content types will inspire your team to produce quality content.

To get the most out of your content marketing program, ensure your content has the following elements:

  • Factually accurate
  • Well-researched
  • Unique angle that prevents you from creating copycat content
  • Matches search intent to rank higher
  • Optimization for SEO and conversions
  • High readability and improved user experience

Looking for help in creating content? Contact our content team and learn more about our result-driven content-writing services.

Check out our content writing packages and what other brands are saying about our content writing services.

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