Do you know what is on the first page that a person visits, if he is a first-time visitor?
Yes, it is your ‘About Us’ page!
This is the first page that most people are inclined to check when they first visit your website.
But why is that?
It’s because people are naturally curious to learn about your business.
And not just about the kind of product you offer.
- They want to learn more about:
- The brand
- The story behind your business
All the hardships and victories that you’ve faced
It helps them emotionally connect with you and trust you.
Now that you know the importance of an About Us page, you’d think businesses would be putting in a lot of effort crafting an About Us page, right?
Oops! We are afraid that you are wrong!
Sadly, most of the businesses out there consider this ‘About Us’ page as an obligation and overlook their value.
So, to help you not make the same mistake, here are 3 quick tips you should try to incorporate in your About Us page:
1. Show Readers what Makes you Different
What is your business’ main selling point?
What makes it different from other businesses in the market?
If you have a clear picture of the above 2 questions, then it is time to highlight them on your About Us page. This will tell your customers how you are different, and why they should trust you.
You can check our About Us page and get a feel of how we are conveying this.
2. Show the People Behind your Business
Doesn’t matter if you’re the only person working behind the scenes or if you have a team. By including the faces behind the business, your customers will feel more connected.
This also builds a level of transparency and trust in your brand.
3. Include your Brand Story
Your brand story is what makes you unique. This is how people will remember you and differentiate you from other brands in the market.
Besides, adding a story is a great way to breathe life to your business. If you put these tips to work, then you can have a perfect About Us page.
And it will ultimately help your brand stick in the head of your customers.
What do you think makes up a great About Us Page?
Not just an ‘About Us’ page but we do help businesses in getting their website content done. You can trust our services as customer satisfaction is our main goal.
And, getting an order is not the end of our sales funnel, it’s just the beginning. If you are facing any difficulties while ordering the content then you can reach out to us at any time.
Thank You.