How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Ecommerce Store?
Content is everywhere.
Right content ignites the whole internet and attracts people.
Ecommerce stores are not like typical traditional websites. The main focus here is sales. Extracting the right content and feeding it to an eCommerce store might serve the purpose.
A consumer is a person who consumes information and a customer is a person who reflects on the information and decides to buy a product or service.
In simple words, the focus is not to make consumers but to convert them to customers.
How is this done? Here are a few steps that will direct you on the right path.
Table of Contents
ToggleStep 1: Understanding & Deciding On Your Target Audience
This is the first and most important stage of content strategy. Resist the initial urge to think that everyone is your buyer. You cannot market a pair of gloves in summer. And, you cannot market a paintbrush to an engineer. Demographics will help you in filtering out the people who are interested and might be interested.
So, categorize the people to their age, location, gender, personal interest, and values. Once you figure this out you will be able to personalize your content according to the range of your target audience.
Step 2: Key Content To Settle For
The next question that pops up in your mind is ‘What exactly to write?’
As said earlier, eCommerce content is not similar to traditional content. Marketing inverted pyramid comes of great help here – the awareness stage, the interest stage, buyer stage. Sliding down each stage is a task for you to carefully complete.
If you hold an eCommerce store, your audiences are exposed to just the details you provide them with. They don’t get to touch your product or feel your product. Despite all this, you have to make them trust you through your words. They will need details and an on-point product description.
For example – You are selling a hoodie, and a girl of age 23 is looking for one. To appeal to her or to personalize it more to her liking it is necessary to give her details and pictures on the hoodie. Having only one picture about it is going to confuse her. Instead, give her details on the gender value, the size, the color, occasion, or even the status upgrade or style value.
Maximize your research.
Before every content you produce, make sure it will help you gain traffic.
Important Tips For A Healthy Content:
- Have moderate descriptive content with a word limit of 300-450. Description if less can not be sufficient, but if it exceeds more it will become boring.
- Do not duplicate content. Google detects duplicate content and this might lead to less traffic.
- Build accurate content. The more accurate and on point the content is, the more people share it and understand it. Do not slack off.
- Have a lot of visual add ons. It will be aesthetic and grab the attention of viewers.
- Give emphasis to keywords.
To make it simpler to write we have a few more tips that could help you in writing better.
Receive From Audience – The main purpose of marketing itself is to satisfy the needs of the consumers. How does one know that? It is simple. Learn from the consumer itself. Get to know their needs, the complaints they have, the difficulty they face, and the improvements they expect. The more you satisfy your customers the more satisfied your business will be.
Competitors Are A Vital Essence- Competitors not only create a good competition, but they might also play an important role in figuring out what you have to say. Listen to the content they offer, this might be a trigger point to your business and might help you in understanding what you have to say.
Experience You Inherited- Basic knowledge you carried down while you started the business is going to help you widely too. Just grab on to those instincts. Never fail to keep yourself updated on the field you are in.
Other Aspects- Curate content like
- Buying guidelines
- ‘How to’ content
- Forums
- FAQ pages
- Product comparison reviews
- Product ranking
“In my experience, the most effective content strategy for an ecommerce jewelry store revolves around highlighting the personal stories and emotions associated with each piece. While product descriptions and technical specifications are important, they often fall short in capturing the emotional connection that drives purchases.
Instead, focus on creating compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience. Share the stories behind the designs, the inspiration that sparked their creation, or the craftsmanship involved in their production. This could be the tale of a skilled artisan, the inspiration from a piece of vintage jewelry, or the sentimental value associated with a particular gemstone.”
– Ritu Shah, Digital Marketing Director at Fascinating Diamonds, Natural and lab Diamond Jewelry
Step 3: Medium Of Distribution
Once you figure out your target audience and draft content according to their likes, now comes the question, how are you going to reach out to them?
There are quite a lot of media you can use to reach out to your targeted audience.
For instance, let us assume that you are selling sports shoes for youngsters. If you opt for Facebook as the medium, there are high chances that you might not be able to get the sale you expect. This is because Instagram is today’s youngsters’ favorite medium.
So choose wisely.
Research and analogy are the key factors here as well.
A few of the mediums that would seem promising in the content strategy of eCommerce stores are listed below.
Email campaigns have always been and still are in the trend. Rather than writing a lot of content, simple innovative content makes people read it. Emails newsletters could be blast out to your target audience group. The update on your product, discounts, urging them to visit again are a few of the contents that can make people visit your store.
💡 If you need someone to write your email newsletters, hire email newsletter writers from Apna Writer.
Blog posts
Though blog posts are initially used to create awareness, the content could simply get the consumers directly into customers too. The content should give the reader excitement and a rush in the veins. You can also focus on eCommerce SEO to bring visitors to your blog articles and later in your funnels.
💡 If you need someone to write your blog articles, hire blog article writers from Apna Writer.
Social Media
Uh! Their competition is our complication.
There are a number of social media applications being used by people all over the world. Discover the type of audience every social media carries within. Then rate the social media that is trending, also predict the social media handle that could be the future.
To give you a small hint on the current trending social media handles
- Instagram- Visual Content
- Twitter- Text-based and infographic Content
- Facebook- Older yet loyal demographic, Technical wealth
- Linkedin- Business-minded Demographic
- Pinterest- Image and aesthetic Content
- Youtube- Video content
Medium and the content you have chosen should also be a parallel process.
Imagine, you have a huge blog post content but then you want to do an email campaign after a little research. You cannot use the same blog for emailing.
Make sure the content for email is email-worthy and the content for a blog is blog-worthy. So make the process in a parallel way.
Step 4: Analyze & Measure The Results
Compare the results that you achieved before and after you implement something. This might help in improving the content and in the decision of choosing the medium.
Last but not least, always research the trends and stay up-to-date! Remember,
Content sells!
Believe in this phrase.
Content has the power to change people’s minds in making them crave for something and finally urge them to buy it.
There are a few concerns that need your attention:
- To whom do you have to write?
- What to write about?
- How to reach them?
- And have you improved? or are you growing?
Research to your full potential and try to find the answers to get the best out of what you do. Happy Business!!!
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